Saturday, April 6, 2013

Music, updated.

I love music, all kinds of music.  I love listening, I love singing, and I especially love playing music on my piano.  I mostly play at home for my own enjoyment, but I do get to share my talent in church a couple times a month.  Well, tomorrow I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and playing the music from the iPad.  I always knew the technology existed but never had the means to use it myself, but now I do thanks to the new planter my husband bought.  The planter's "brains" need to use an iPad, and it just happens to be kept in our house.  Lucky me!  Now I can keep my all my music in one place, and if I want to change my mind on the song I want to play, no problem, I've got another piece with me.  Now, I will be honest, I'll probably have a hard copy of the music sitting beside the bench come tomorrow morning in church.......just in case.

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